* All workshops are provided in both official languages.
Tuesday May 17
Opening Reception
(Executive Lounge)
EVENT: Opening of the Economic Action Forum
Rémi Massé, Member of Parliament for Avignon—La Mitis—Matane—Matapédia (Quebec), Member of the Standing Committee on Indigenous and Northern Affairs and of the Standing Committee on Access to Information, Privacy and Ethics
Louis Beauséjour, Assistant Deputy Minister, Integrity Services Branch, Service Canada
Welcome Remarks from the Economic Action Network Secretariat
Denise Gareau, Director, Employment and Social Development Canada
Jean-Guy Bigeau, Chief Executive Officer, RDÉE Canada
John Buck, Chief Executive Officer, CEDEC
Wednesday May 18
07:15 - 08:15
Tourism Breakfast Speaker
(Westmount/Outremont Room)
Alain Brosius - RDÉE Ontario- Leader GTEÉ Tourisme RDÉE Canada
Breakfast Speaker
Charlotte Bell - President & Chief Executive Officer, Tourism Industry Association of Canada (TIAC)
Workshops: Tourism
Workshop A: Is Another Tourism Possible? (Westmount/Outremont Room)
Reference to the book of the same title on line (in French only).
Workshop organized as part of the Virtual Agora (An initiative of the Francophonie of the Americas and RDÉE Canada)
Marie-Andrée Delisle - l’Université de Québec à Montréal
Alain Brosius - RDÉE Ontario- Leader GTEÉ Tourisme RDÉE Canada
Workshop-conference B: Economusées: A Model for Developping Official Language Minority Communities (Verdun/Lachine Room)
Robert Thérrien - Executive Director, Conseil économique et coopératif de la Saskatchewan (CÉCS)
Carl-Éric Guertin - Executive Director, Réseau ÉCONOMUSÉE
Workshop C: Tourism: A powerful lever for economic development? (Mont-Royal/Hampstead Room)
Elise Tessier - Deputy Executive Director, RDÉE Canada
Roukya Abdi Aden - Manager, National Coordination
Julie Fafard - Director, Tourism Development and Entrepreneurship, Conseil de développement économique de l'Alberta (CDÉA)
Vince Accardi - Vice President Marketing and Business Development, Tourism HR Canada
Allen Richards - Provincial Development Officer, CEDEC
Coffee Break
Coffee Breaks for this event are generously sponsored by:
Workshops: Skills Training
Workshop D: Connecting Colleges, Universities and Institutes with Businesses (Westmount/Outremont Room)
Mark Wallace - Director for Continuing Education, Champlain Regional College Saint-Lambert (Colleges and Institutes Canada)
Michel Doucet - Director General for Continuing Education, Collège communautaire du Nouveau-Brunswick (Colleges and Institutes Canada)
Josette-Renée Landry, VP of Business Development, Mitacs
Michelle Aguayo, Director of Professional Development (Step Program), Mitacs
Workshop E: Effective Strategies for Developing, Attracting and Using Skills in Official Language Minority Communities (Mont-Royal/Hampstead Room)
Denise Gareau - Director, Employment and Social Development Canada
Moderators World Café Session
Cari Anne Ackland - Innovation Analyst, ESDC's Innovation Lab, Employment and Social Development Canada
Natalie Leclerc - Innovation Analyst, ESDC's Innovation Lab, Employment and Social Development Canada
Mary Moreland - Senior Advisor, Service Laboratory, Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada
Richard O’Shaughnessey - Director, Industrial Research Assistance Program, National Research Council Canada
Stéphane Blanchard - RDÉE Île-du-Prince-Édouard
Thomas Townsend - Former Executive Head of the Policy Research Initiative; and Canada's representative for Health and Social Affairs to the European Union. Currently President of Townsend-Danis Advantage and visiting Researcher at the Center on Public Management and Policy at the University Ottawa.
Workshop F: Portrait of businesses in Francophone minority communities in Canada (Verdun/Lachine Room)
Irving Lewis - Manager, Development, Research and Innovation, RDÉE Canada
Michel Tétu - Consultant and Former Director, Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency
Dr. Horatio Morgan - Associate Professor, Ted Rogers School of Management, Ryerson University
Alessandro Alasia - Unit Head, Centre for Special Business Projects, Statistics Canada
Lunch conference: Green Economy (Westmount/Outremont Room)
Remarks and Guest Speaker Introduction
Dany Robidoux - Director, Eco-ouest
Lunch Speaker
Provincial Government Representative (TBD)
Workshops: Supporting Small Businesses
Workshop-conference G: Taking Your Business Beyond the Borders (Westmount/Outremont Room)
Jean-Philippe Bujold - Senior Account Manager, Business Development Bank of Canada
Workshop-conference H: Growing Your Business Online (Mount-Royal/Hampstead Room)
Thibault Davet - Government Lead, Google Canada Inc.
Workshop I: Seizing Opportunity: Understanding Business Development in Official Language Minority Communities in the Small-Scale Food Processing Industry in BC (Verdun/Lachine Room)
Donald Cyr - Executive Director, Société de développement économique de la Colombie-Britannique (SDECB)
Dr. Nicole Vaugeois - BC Regional Innovation Chair in Tourism and Sustainable Rural Development
Lorraine Plourde - Economic Development Agent, Société de développement économique de la Colombie-Britannique
Closing Remarks
(Westmount/Outremont Room)
Denise Gareau - Director, Employment and Social Development Canada
Jean-Guy Bigeau - Chief Executive Officer, RDÉE Canada
John Buck - Chief Executive Officer, CEDEC